Why Every Business Should Have A Website
Let’s Go Back a Bit
Imagine being back in the mid-1990s. For several years, there has been talk of new ways for people and companies to interact through computers. A rapidly evolving network known as the “World Wide Web” is growing almost faster than even its engineers can understand.
People are starting to use computers, with a piece of software known as a “web browser,” to display information ranging from news to new-fangled companies that are starting to promote their products over this new “web.”
How it all seems so futuristic, but also kind of technical. People are wondering where it will all lead, or if it will “even go very far,” as though it could really prove out to be some colossal fad.
Return to Today
Fast forward back to our modern day, and it’s practically inconceivable for us to imagine modern life without the Internet (used today as an interchangeable term for the “World Wide Web,” though some technologists say there is a difference). At any rate, whether it’s called the Internet, the “Web,” or simply “online,” our huge digital networks drive a titanic portion of today’s business.
That’s why when MVC is asked, “Should my business have a website?,” we do not hesitate to answer “yes” - and we do so very definitively. As a business and management consulting firm, our role in many ways is the stewardship of our clients’ business well-being. To answer “no” to this question would be not only irresponsible, but negligent (and would be a little ridiculous, frankly).
Good Business is Web Business
All the above said, we do understand that it is indeed natural for business owners to ponder a website when they contemplate their overall marketing. Many of us can remember when choices were more limited, and included a few major outlets such as television, newspaper or direct marketing (like printed mailers and catalogs), to name a few.
Today, there are many more great options thanks to our digital networks, and many if not most of these new methods rely on one thing... that a business has a great “storefront” to greet its customers and potential customers. This means a website - and a good one at that.
A Story
A few years ago, we began helping a very nice woman who we will call Martha. She had taken over her parents small business, which had seen a lot of success. She brought in her own ideas, which also proved to be good for the business. One question that she found challenging, though, was whether or not she should develop a website for the business, which had never had an online presence.
We discussed all the different angles with her, and she continued to hold reservation. “First of all,” she explained, “I don't think I will ever sell our products online.” Ok, that seemed to be a valid point. We discussed how, just because a business is not an online retailer, it should indeed have a great website, regardless.
“Well, secondly,” she continued, “word of mouth seems to work just great for us.” All right. No problem that specifically word of mouth is indeed important for a business’s reputation and to get localized referrals. But, we explained, word of mouth does not take the place of a professionally prepared online presence.
Our discussion continued to dissect various marketing methods, and Martha was trying to recall something she had read. She almost absent-mindedly directed her college-aged son, who was helping her in her store: “Honey, would you go to the computer and Google....” Her voice trailed off, and she looked straight ahead for a few seconds. A gentle grin fell on her face, and without us saying anything else, she said, “I see what you mean.”
...a business not being on the Internet is just about the same as being invisible.
No Longer “An Option”
In today’s connected world, with virtually instantaneous access to information (including customers hunting down a business or product they need), a business not being on the Internet is just about the same as being invisible.
A list of reasons for a business to be online can get rather long, but let’s take a look at some of the top few:
- A Website is a Must
The marketing landscape has forever shifted, and a website is simply a part of conducting your business. A business that does not have a website is likely losing business to competitors who do have an online presence. It’s one of the primary tools your business can use to let your customers know all about you and your products and services.
- Your Website is Your Virtual Storefront to the World
No business wants to be obscured or hidden from view. A professional web presence is the same as having a polished, inviting storefront for your business. Interested customers can find you and examine what you have to offer, not only during special campaigns (such as mailing out a printed catalog), but 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
- Your Website is a Fundamental Part of Your Marketing
Without capable marketing, a business will likely be challenged to connect with its customers, to turn revenue, and make a profit. A website is the first stop in today’s modern business world for your business to “stake its claim” in your potential markets. It also helps make sure you are indeed present amongst your competitors when customers are trying to find products and services.
- Your Website is Your Showcase, Your Catalog, Your Brand
A website is the ultimate environment to tell customers how you can help them with your products and services. You can showcase your best work or your top products, offer testimonials of previous customers, and add a wealth of other information. A website can accomplish huge dispersal of information to many more customers than conventional methods of the past.
- It's How You Share Information & Promote Confidence With Your Customers
A website can contain amazingly helpful information for your customers, from “Frequently Asked Questions,” to what the latest promotions are, to how they can contact you, to name a few very basic items. Plus, a professionally designed, well-constructed website will leave your customers feeling confident, feeling like they found what they needed, and feeling encouraged to keep coming back.
- It Helps Your Bottom Line
The well-respected Small Business Administration has more than once reported that small businesses with websites average more revenue per year in sales than comparable businesses not online. Translation: In the most recent report, the statistics spoke for themselves: Businesses with an online presence had almost 40% more revenue and sales. That’s a lot.
The marketing landscape has forever shifted, and a website is simply a part of conducting your business. A business that does not have a website is likely losing business to competitors who do have an online presence. It’s one of the primary tools your business can use to let your customers know all about you and your products and services.
But - There's A Looming Caveat
Above, we’ve frequently described websites with terms like “professional” and “well-constructed,” and that’s for good reason. Many folks remember the old public relations phrase, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” That may have rung true at some point in the past in a certain context, but when it comes to websites, here we have a huge exception: A poorly designed or simply bad website is likely much worse than having no website at all.
A website that casts a bad impression, for whatever reason, is very much like turning off customers as soon as they arrive at your door. They’re very likely to leave and head to your competitor’s business. Poor websites take many forms.
Some just aren’t pleasing to the eye, with mistakes made in colors, fonts, layout, and other important forms. This can be very jarring to customers when they visit a site, often sending them quickly to the next site in their search.
Other websites may get at least a “passing grade” in the visual department, but have serious design issues. Customers may find it hard to get to the information they need, or find it takes too many steps. Sometimes sections of a site break away from the main content, allowing customers to “get lost” (which is a guaranteed way to make them frustrated).
Non-functioning or confusing components in a site also cast a bad impression, and certainly, the long out-dated “Under Construction” message is among the worst offenders.
Whatever the reason a site may not perform well, the unfortunate result is that it may negatively shift the opinion of the customer about the business overall. This can often lead to a lost customer, and lost revenue and profit. Business owners who may be concerned that their site is not where it should be, or that is has some of the major problems mentioned above, should take quick action to bring about change and improvement.
The key is to have a professionally developed website where customers can feel confident that the business takes its mission seriously. Getting professionals to help you is just as prudent as when you seek out other forms of expertise (such as calling a plumber or electrician). It's a great investment in your business, and when you enlist capable help, it will maximize your investment.
There are many more very important and valid reasons why every business (and non- and not-for-profit organizations, for that matter) should have a well-executed presence on the Internet. The few examples discussed above are reason enough, however, every business should assure that its website is well done, is professional, functions well, provides accurate and up-to-date information, and leaves customers feeling confident, interested, and engaged. It’s simply a part of being competitive in this modern age.
MVC would be delighted to visit with you about our digital services, including the development of a great website. Feel free to contact us at any time.